The majority of people I speak with about the Srimad Bhagavad Gita think that everyone should read it at least once. Many of them do acknowledge that Gita teachings should also be followed. But only a small number of people are able to understand the Gita’s true meaning. Why does the Gita receive more attention than any other religious book? Naturally, there are many more holy books available, particularly in the Santana Culture.
There are two main reasons to read, comprehend, and then put into practise the principles found in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. The following is a summary of them:
The essence of all Vedic knowledge that truth seekers have so far amassed or will be amassed utilising the mental and physical faculties that humans possess can be found in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. You might think it is a really bold statement, yet it is true. This assertion is understandable when one observes how frequently current science confirms the realities found in the Gita.
You learn how to handle that knowledge from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita. It teaches you how to manage the knowledge you gain from such observation as well as how to observe correctly and objectively in order to know both yourself and the entirety of creation. The text’s elegance is in how all of this was accomplished while illuminating the story of two friends who are about to engage in the most intense conflict of their lives.
Thus, Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a collection of information that includes thorough explanations of how to use that knowledge in real life. It discourses you while simultaneously disclosing the unvarnished truth, treating you like a young child who has just received a new toy and is unsure of how to manage it. You are not left to figure out how to handle and apply that knowledge on your own. You are not brainwashed as a result. It guides you through each of the different facets of this Supreme knowledge chapter by chapter, explaining how to master them and apply them to advance to the highest position in life.
The Srimad Bhagavad Gita does not even suggest a specific course of action or resolution for you. Lord Krishna assures you that your unique beliefs and preference will be respected while speaking as the Brahman itself. Whether it’s the most demonic or the most divine objective you set for yourself in life, he will fix your faith and force you to accomplish it. He makes it abundantly plain why pursuing little Templeers makes no sense when you actually have the option to wish for something in life. Why not make a wish for the Brahman’s throne, the highest place in all of creation?
You are kindly invited to visit His beautiful home.
Not only is the Srimad Bhagavad Gita a book of knowledge. It is “the Book” of perfect truth, complete with a whole instruction book on how to apply that truth to your ascension.
Only in the second chapter does the Lord make all of the absolute wisdom known.
After that, he accepts the challenge of answering Arjuna’s questions and making certain that Arjuna has no unanswered questions whatsoever.
He continues to deliver until Arjuna is persuaded that he is equipped with the heavenly knowledge he has just received and is prepared to take on the world.
We Initiated ” Free Issuance of Bhagavad Gita Book ” to all to spread spiritual knowledge and wisdom